Hi! I’m Summer.
My overarching driving force was to be:
Build an Audience + Matter to them
I would put the focus on:
Finding a specific group of people ...
With a specific need ...
That were ideally suited to be solved by what I offered
And become their ONLY possible solution (and trusted advisor) in that niche through regular guidance, communication, assistance, and true compassion for their lives.
Notice how vastly different that is compared to the normal methodology:
Create or find a product/offer ...
Market that offer ...
Hope that the right people find it (and want to buy it) ...
Cross your fingers and try to sell it through persuasion techniques (a.k.a. to people who don’t really need it.)
AND I would focus on ONE simple, yet POWERFUL message.
You ARE More than Mom.
You CAN have an incredible motherhood, while also passionately chasing after your dreams and ambitions, and creating an extraordinary + financially free life for you and your family.
And I’d share that message over and over again (because it REALLY matters. REALLY) through ...
--> Simple stories.
--> Simple words.
--> Simple communication from me to my tribe.
But it wouldn’t be business like I’d done in the past ...
It wouldn’t include hustling and grinding to create new online courses and digital products every few months (because the market changes THAT quickly).
There wouldn’t be complicated business models that you’ve got to have an MBA to understand
You wouldn’t see big launches with webinars, expiring bonuses, and “LAST CHANCE for-EVA” emails
Instead, it would be personal.
It would be stories of real people finding success.
It would be value.
It would be community and mentorship and growth.
AND I’d still be selling.
AND I’d still be marketing.
AND I’d still be running a highly-profitable business.
Through a simple business model that changes the status quo of the way things are done.
That actually cares about its people.
And in turn creates success behind your wildest dreams for those that get past their fears, their hesitations, their misconceptions, and drive right in.
The goal?
Build an audience, develop real connections, and create a lucrative “simple little business” on 30 minutes a day by sharing your life, your passion, your stories, your caring, and your mentorship with your truest fans.
And the cool thing?
This methodology works just as well if you’re brand new to online entrepreneurship and don’t have a clue about who you’ll serve or what you’ll offer ...
Or if you have a current business and are looking to expand your horizons (and your revenue streams).
If you truly have a desire to interact and enhance people’s lives and show them that they matter to you, then you have all the prerequisites needed to create a life of JOY + FINANCIAL FREEDOM as a Mom, without sacrificing time with your kiddos + family.
This is nothing new (nothing ever is).
It’s based on an “old school business model + principles” like relationships, and respect, and trust.
You’ve got to ask yourself ….
Are you ready to interact and enhance your peoples' lives in a way that proves that they matter to you?
Are you ready to go in with a open-mind and reject the nay-sayers that don’t believe in your dreams?
Are you ready to truly CARE and step into leadership shoes of their trusted Go-To and mentor?
Will YOU do it?
I will.
It’s time to stop caring what others think.
It’s time to expand your vision of life. To dream big. To play big.
It’s time to change your version of “should” and “right,” and expect a life of purpose and passion, and extraordinary abundance.
Because you finally realize that changing the direction and blueprint of your life is COMPLETELY up to YOU.
It’s a simple, yet life-changing system.
And I’ve got the plan.